
The tattoo is an open wound and should be treated as so.

We will use the second skin as an immediate protection for your tattoo and, if it stays in place, you can keep it from 3 to 5 days.

If the second skin comes off today it’s not a problem.

After the second skin comes off you should take care of your tattoo like this:

- Wash the area of the tattoo two times a day with a PH neutral soap;
- ⁠Dry your tattoo with a paper towel, dabbing, not rubbing it.
- ⁠Leave your tattoo to dry 5 minutes without anything on it;
- ⁠Apply a thin and homogeneous layer of tattoo cream on your tattoo.

Do this 2 times a day for 10 days.

What to use as cream to heal your tattoo: Specific tattoo healing creams like Cicaplast, Pegasus or Skin Stories.

Avoid creams with bepanthenol because they are too greasy.

In absence of a specific tattoo cream the customer can use pure solidified coconut butter without perfume.

If there’s any problems or doubts about the healing process the customer must contact their artist immediately.